Right now the world is at a tipping point and we need the activism of all concerned global citizens. 

Those words sum up how I feel these days. The world is in crisis in so many ways and I have to do what I can to make a positive impact. For me that means engaging in and nurturing activism. 

My definition of activism probably isn’t the one you’re going to find in the dictionary. For me, being an activist means that you are someone who takes consistent action, whether in front of the scenes or way behind the scenes, to advance a cause that you are passionate about. For me the size of the action isn’t the point, what matters is that you are regularly taking action to make a difference. That’s my definition of activism.

Growing up with a dad who worked in humanitarian relief juxtaposed with being a queer Black woman in the U.S. put the injustice in the world into high relief. It also created an unshakeable commitment to doing what I can to bring justice where it is needed. One of the ways that we move the needle towards justice is by sharing our stories and then leveraging the power that they have. That just happens to be one of my favorite things to do. 

For over 30 years, from my career as an actor, my work as a political consultant, and my creativity and life coaching, I’ve been helping others to shape and share their stories for maximum impact. Now I’m using all that I’ve learned to help people find their most effective way of being an activist because right now we need all hands on deck.

It’s when we start sharing our stories that the patterns that exist, and the things that need fixing, become clearer. We see that it’s not just our issue, other people are facing the same challenges, and we realize that there is power in numbers and we are not in this fight alone.

As a seasoned activist I know how powerful story is because story motivates us into action. Not clear about how story can make a difference? 

  • Unarmed Black men are killed by police across the country and no one is paying attention. A small group of activists found Black Lives Matter and bring attention to the shocking number of stories that reveal an epidemic of police violence against the Black community. The stories of all those murdered by police start to seep into the public consciousness and shift the conversation and policy.  

  • Or, a woman’s daughter is killed by a drunk driver and she shares her story. Others do the same and all of a sudden we see that this isn’t an unusual tragedy but a pattern. She founds MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) and changes policy across the country.

Knowing that I’m really good at leveraging story to advance social justice causes has led me to take actions such as organizing abortion speak-outs, advocating for those without the ability to speak for themselves, e.g., children and undocumented people, and to teach others how to do the same. 

For me, the most natural thing is helping people find their unique way to making the world better, supporting them in their work, and shining a light on the work of those you may not know (that’s one reason I do my podcast).

I also speak to groups and teach classes on how to find your way of making a difference in the world. With a specialty in working with introverts and Highly Sensitive Persons I help quiet activists as well as those comfortable in the spotlight. With talks covering topics such as Everyday Activism, Activism for Introverts and HSPs, and my one to one training Creating Your Customized Activist Roadmap I help people find and sustain their way of being an activist in this world.

If you haven’t yet found your way of activism, you’re in the right place. If you have, I am so honored to be here to support you and you, too, are in the right place. I’m so glad you’re here. The world needs what you have to offer. Helping guide and support you is my way of activism.

“Activism is a way of breathing life into your values.”

~ Tharaka Sriram, Ocean Activist